On 13th July 1986 a normal occurrence happened at the Rural Medical Center in New Delhi. Just like many newborns, I was born.
We lived in Mehrauli, I even remember the house number it was 705/5. I have vague memories of my playschool, it was run privately by a single teacher in her house and was a street across our house. After playschool, I began my formal education at New Green Field Public School, New Delhi. It was in Malviya Nagar.
I can recall my first first interview when my parents brought me to my sister’s school as they wanted both of us to be in the same school. I was passed in the interview and at the end i was offered a candy by the school principal. I was four then and like all kids, i was also fond of candies. I couldn’t resist myself and opened the cover and put candy in my mouth and threw the wrapper on the floor. I was asked by the principal to pick up the wrapper as it is a bad manner. Being a kid, i was so adamant and i was not ready to pick that wrapper up. My father bent down to pick up but principal wanted only me to pick that wrapper up. I was kind of in my own kid arrogance and did not pick the wrapper. Oh yes, and I was not admitted to the school and principal rejected my application because i did not pick that wrapper.
Overall my early years of schooling were quite wonderful. I had my share of spanking, and was often made to stand in the corner with my finger on the lips. But all said and done I love all my teachers. They were very kind and sweet. I guess the essence of one’s life is developed during these formative years. And I feel I had the best formative years because of the nice teachers I had. I have always been very sporty and love doing sports.
Here’s to all of them good morning ma’am and thank you ma’am.
Learning all along
Deakin University, Melbourne – Australia
After completing high school, i went to Melbourne for pursuing higher education. It was turning point in my life and my whole life was changed. Spent three years there and finally decided to come back home to take forward my family business. I have been traveling since then and i am sure that travel is in my every breath and i am born to travel. All i need is my laptop, wallet, mobile and passport. I AM DONE. I can go anywhere and keep myself connected with my family and office at the same time.